

Noesis is a free and open source vertical scrolling rhythm game, a distribution of "soundsphere", with the new UI, a lot of new features to make people from other rhythm games feel comfortable without having to transition or get used to the new things.

You can play 4K, 7K, 10K, any key mode, BMS, o2jam, Stepmania/Etterna and osu! chart in Noesis. We spend a lot of time and love for each key mode.


The game has no focus on one individual key mode, instead, it has a lot of unique and useful features for every key mode.

Here is a short list of interesting features:

  • You can use different difficulty calculators: osu! star rate, MSD, ENPS or custom ones.

  • Support for osu! skins and osu! scroll speed. The speed is 1:1 to osu!, you will have no difficulties with playing both games, the switch is seamless.

  • Several score systems to choose: osu!mania, osu!lazer (score V2), Quaver, Etterna, LR2. As well the accurate miss and hit windows and support for hit logic like in Etterna and osu!lazer.

  • A lot of chart parsers. You can play charts from osu!, Stepmania/Etterna, Quaver, Beatmania and o2jam.

  • The reason why Noesis exist:

    I started developing mods for "soundsphere" in the early 2024. The original game already had a lot of features, but I was not happy about several things about it. The main reason was the UI - it's not great.

    This led me to create the mod: "Irizz Theme", which is the main UI for Noesis. I created something unique and simple, everything had been thought out in advance. The UI has minimal set of information, only necessary information is being displayed.

    Creating mods was fine, but the constant updates of the base game was keep breaking my mods. This is why I decided to create Noesis, a stable distribution of "soundsphere", with all my mods, all my skins and no auto updates.

    Song Select

    Here is a look at the song select.

    It was designed to be so minimal, and surprisingly, you have enough information to play 4K, 7K and basically any other key mode.

    A lot of information is in the easily accessible in other screens. There are also a lot of buttons hidden for mouse users. The theme is fully usable with the mouse.

    We have many settings.

    Try to find something interesting in there, especially in the UI tab!

    Result screen

    It may look like a lot of information is displayed on the results screen, but most of the information is displayed on the left panel.

    You have enough information here to share your scores with others.

    For those, who like simplicity of osu!, you can use your favorite osu! skin to display it's result screen.

    Result screen

    Want to try the game?

    Follow the instructions on the download page.

    The documentation should be easy to understand, without much effort you will be able to make the game use your osu! songs directory, or any other directory with charts, without copying all the charts. You will also learn how to add skins to the game.

    More screenshots!

    Note skins
    Main menu
    Main menu

    Fresh Install Instruction

    • Open the Noesis Github releases page.

    • Download the "" file.

    • Unzip this file to the desired directory.

    • Launch the game using the "game-win64.bat" file on Windows, or the "game-linux" file on Linux.

    • Follow the begginer's guide to learn how to add songs and skins.

    Updating the game

    You can continue using your previously installed game if you're happy with your version. Updates are optional.

    • Open the Noesis Github releases page.

    • Download the "" file.

    • Replace the old "" file in the root of your game with the newly downloaded file.

    Join our discord server to stay updated on new features and announcements from the developers!

    Adding charts

    There are three ways to add songs to the game. If you are coming from the other rhythm games, stick with the first one.

    First method: Mounting chart directories from other rhythm games.

    Using this method, you can make Noesis read the charts from other directories, without copying them into the Noesis charts directory.

    First of all, you should find charts directory you want to mount.

    • You can find osu! charts by right clicking on the osu! shortcut on your desktop and pressing "Open file location".

      "Songs" directory contains all your charts.

    • You can find Etterna/Stepmania charts the exact same way as finding osu! charts.

    • To find Quaver charts, open Steam, find Quaver in your games library, right click on it and select:

      Manage, Browse local files.

      "Songs" directory is the one you are looking for.

    Adding songs:

    Once you have located the charts directory, open Noesis and follow the steps shown in the images below.

    • Go to collections

    • Click on the Mounts button

    • Click on the Create button.

    • Drop charts directory into the game window.

    • Click on the Update button.

    Adding songs
    Adding songs

    The game will cache all the charts that are in the directory. The game can also recursively find charts, there will be no problems adding Etterna/Stepmania charts, as the charts in these games are stored in the packs.

    Second method: Adding charts manually.

    Open the directory where Noesis is installed. Open the `userdata/charts` directory.

    Create a new directory with any name, it will be a collection of charts. Copy your charts in there.

    Next step: In the game, switch to collections screen, click on the Mounts button, select "soundsphere" location and click on the Update button.

    Third method: Downloading charts using built-in osu!direct.

    Go to collections screen, click on the "osu!direct" button. Find some cool charts and press Download. The download rate is limited.

    Next step: open Mounts menu, select "soundsphere" location and click on the Update button.

    What next?

    You already can play the game. The game has several skins preinstalled, you can select them in the settings in the gameplay tab.

    If you want to add your osu! skin or .lua skin, follow the instructions on this page

    Getting the skins

    The game supports loading osu! skins by simply placing one in the skins directory. The game also has its own skin format with more customization and capabilities, as .lua skins have direct access to the game code.

    • You can find osu! skins on this website.

    • You can find .lua skins on our discord server.

      DO NOT DOWNLOAD .lua SKINS FROM SUSPICIOUS PEOPLE, AS THE .lua SKINS MAY EXECUTE CODE THAT CAN HARM YOUR SYSTEM AND NETWORK. Always check the code before installing the skin. Installing osu! skins is safe.

    Adding skins

    Open the directory where your game installed. Open this path: `userdata/skins/`. Place your osu! or .lua skin there.

    The path for the osu! skin should look like this: `userdata/skins/random_osu_skin/skin.ini`

    The path for the .lua skins should look like this: `userdata/skins/random_skin/`

    Selecting the skin

    Restart the game. Select the skin in the settings, at the bottom of Gameplay tab.

    Alternatively, you can select skins by pressing CTRL + S.